A powerful poet that speaks to all audiences her perspective takes her desire in love and her passion for life to another level. Her gift of storytelling is indomitable and vibrant. Monya Williams’s most intimate and honest thoughts were uncovered at an early age due to the deferment of a dream.

My Eyes Saw More Than My Heart Could Handle
Elegantly, incisively written raw in its honesty, profound in its insights “My Eyes Saw More Than My Heart Could Handle” this is not simply the story of an individual artist but a crucial book of poetry itself. The poems are passionate, sometimes angry, out spoken and often compelling. Her talent is unbounded an intimidating raw force that commanded attention and respect.
Excerpt:You asked am I not married
I say I’m married to poetry
You asked how could this be
Because poetry knows me,
Loves me,
Makes love to me,
Listens to me,
And is always there for me,
See poetry knows my inner most secrets
Never do I have to worry about hearing another peep of it
Poetry only tells what I allow to be told
Poetry is the only love that soothes my soul
Our wedding rings are made of spiritual and mental gold
It can’t be bought, it can’t be sold

Love, Lust or Lies
Love lust or lies is a southern urban fiction book of romance with a touch of poetry by Jacksonville's own Monya Williams. See how the entanglement of the hearts want, desires, and needs captivates you reeling you into the pleasures of the mind, body and soul. Feel the passion for one's aspiration to love and be loved, the longing to be touched and the choices that have been made in order for these events to take place. The knowing when to let seasonal things past in order to make way for lifetime embraces. Monya Williams explores the false realities of the misunderstanding of relationships as she personifies the truths about life and love. Taking blinders off our eyes in order for us to see what truly is and not just what we want them to be. Showing that there is more to sex than just freaking between the sheets, at the club or the bathroom at a restaurant. Sensual pleasures of pleasing and being pleased with no limitations wrapped up in what we seek which is love but often settle for passionate lust.

Crying Hearts
Ecerpt: Am I emotional when I lash out when things don’t go my way
I have yet to forget about the things of yesterday
See you failed to realize
You say I'm so emotional that the heart cries
Tears of pain of yesterday, today and whatever remains
Things don’t always stay the same
Understand my name look at the meaning of which I am
I stand tall failing to realize I'm on top of my game as I ball
Walking hand in hand not acknowledging the man
Too busy chasing behind humans
Letting you in on my emotions this is how it begins my friend
Was I emotional when I told you I love you
Till death do us part knowing you had my heart from the start?

Poetically Speaking
Monya Williams is a student of the human conditions, wieding the written craft to enrapture the mind much like an artist wields a brush. The pages are a blank canvas on which to draw from a talent heralded by many and matched only by an imagination that rises to the task. Poetically Speaking is the first in a series of recent pursuits, with work progressing quickly on the follow-up.
Excerpt: As the soft touch of your hands glide across my body As the moonlight over the oceans waves The gentle kiss of your lips warms my soul As the flames flicker from the fireplace Once I've laid you on the bed And caress your body so gentle The secret sensational vibes that plays between the two of us As a Kenny G jazz instrumental As mellow as the birds chirping in the early morning Your love as graceful as a soloist singing amazing grace To breathe in your every breath as fresh cut roses Joyful and delightful as heaven sent white doves Gentle and kind that's how you are And as precious as a diamond Sent from the heavens here on earth To let your feet touch the grounds never Because a love like yours endures for forever To become tarnished and scared by anything Or anyone because you're my baby and phenomenon.

Words Of My Pen
ISBN 13: 1500207069
Through the spawn of an innovative woman, strong and blunt. Monya captures and engage her readers by giving them truths, not sugarcoating life. Confronting her own life in such a luminous dignity. Embracing life and all it’s challenges allowed her to become free instead of held bound by life’s circumstances. Exuberating love, strength and kind spirit spills out into the lines of every word written. A writer with many talents and profound wisdom, Monya has opened her heart and poured out her inner most feeling about life into her work. Showing the essence of a black woman’s soul, proverbial spirit, and undeniable depths of one’s mind.

Picking up the Pieces
ISBN 13: 978-1514809716
When things are going the way we feel they should go there is nothing that we can't face. But the moment things began to become uncomfortable we look for the easiest way out. What ever happened to fighting through the situation? What ever happened to going through the test to have a testimony? When did it become our responsibility to take care of others’ lives and not know what it is to take care of our own lives? In life we all have something that is coming against us whether it is at the work, home or our own personal issues. For each situation there is grace given, if you always chose to give it away stop complaining when there is none left for yourself. Stop getting mad at other people for prioritizing their life, issues and circumstances. You too can do the same thing if you chose to, yet you sit there waiting for someone else to come along and do so. My early years I allowed people to use me, run over me, manipulate me in more ways than one because I wanted to help them or better yet save them. I have finally learned that if I can’t work out my own issues then I can’t help anyone else work out theirs.
The Soul of a Poet
The illusion of what one believes love, wealth and happiness to be is conveyed by the end result of what others have achieved. We often find ourselves entangled in the hype of life or idea of success but never want the responsibility or the struggles that comes with it. “The Soul of a Poet” gives insight through the third eye (conscious mind) which many don’t even know how to use. Delving deep into the soul of one’s inner most frustrations of the gentrifying of culture, lifestyle, and beliefs only to capitalize off the back of our truth and discarded as if we have no value. Painting pictures on the blank canvas through the conceiving of words birthed on these pages. Abridging the gap between fallacies and realities of beliefs on which one is defined. Reading between every line you began to gravitate to the truth about whom you are and who you are created to be.

No Regrets
ISBN-13: 978-1733876315
Life doesn’t always go as we plan. Often there are a few roadblocks, pitfalls, setbacks and other obstacles that interrupt our lives. When faced with difficulties it’s easy to want to give up, run but hard to stay and face the issues head on. When life and love isn’t favorable, we tend to lose faith instead of trusting the process. Not finding rest in knowing it will work out for the best. If we would just take a moment to delve deep into the strength within and allow the inevitable to happen and run its course. We will find that all the stress, tears, pain, agony and confusion we caused ourselves was unnecessary. Robbing us of the joy of the moment. Learning to come to terms with we can have that in which we desire if we just be patient. Life has no timeline only we place a timeframe on what we want. Rest in the truth of what is meant for us is for us. What is meant to be will be despite what it looks like at the very moment. If you can visualize it you can have it, you have to keep the faith, put in the work and believe you can have it. Live life with no regrets and believe that all things work together for our good. Find peace and joy in divine timing. Peace and Blessing.

Novembers Rain
Love and Naomi find themselves in unfamiliar territory as a romance blossom between the two. As the two of them develop their friendship and work relationship things take a drastic and uncompromising turn. Hearts become entangled in deception from the past that comes back to haunt them. Naomi begins to see herself as less than with no value and unworthy of what she truly desires true love. The optimist Love always see’s the good in everyone to a fault that she finds herself heartbroken and alone. Nevertheless she remain fearless in love and believes love will find her when the stars align for her until then she focuses on taking care of her kids and running her business.
Novembers Rain is believing you can have what you want and putting forth the work.
Novembers Rain is all about believing enough in yourself and those things you desire. Sprinkled with love and lessons along the way but standing tall and never folding. A romance novel based off seeking love, being the true essence of love, finding the love of a lifetime and seizing the moment. Bursting with passion and strength to overcome any obstacle and adversity. Exploring the strength of love in overcoming many adversities in life. Planting seeds of love and watch how things begin to unfold for you. Surrender the need to know how it will work out but trust that it will. Just as Love did, desiring a partner she was equally yoked with. Finding that in Naomi in a roundabout way. Facing challenges in their day-to-day life there wasn’t anything they couldn’t overcome together. Knowing for their romance to bloom it would have to be built on a solid foundation of love, honesty, truth, transparency, understanding and love. Let love be your guiding light on this journey called life.